The debate over the scope of the Second Amendment has taken on renewed urgency following landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022). Central to this discussion is the...
In the delivery room of a Jerusalem hospital, as the labor pains intensified, midwife Erga Froman noticed something unusual. The mother, shifting for comfort, remarked on a strange sensation—Froman’s holstered firearm had shifted, touching her side. A photograph later...
As 2024 comes to a close, gun rights advocates are celebrating a year of significant victories across the United States. From legal triumphs to legislative advancements, the past year has fortified Second Amendment protections and empowered responsible gun ownership. Here...
Some of my most effective decoy setups over the years have been mixed spreads incorporating an assortment of both floating decoys in the water and field decoys on dry land. These arrangements have accounted for countless ducks and geese on many hunts, largely because they...
In an unexpected development, President Joe Biden has, in recent weeks, issued a series of pardons that could result in dozens of individuals regaining their right to own firearms. The president’s actions on December 1 and December 12 granted full and unconditional clemency...
When people we didn’t know checked on us the first few days after the storm, I believed they had our best interests at heart. When strangers visit now, more than three weeks after Helene struck, I am not so sure. I can’t help but wonder if they are scouting around, looking...
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