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New Republic Ammunition from Target Sports USA is accurate, reliable, and comes in six popular calibers. Sign up for their Ammo + Membership at Targetsportsusa.com for 8% off all ammo purchases and to be eligible for their truck giveaway on October 14th.
**AmmoPlus Day is TODAY
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Poll: Should school staff be allowed to be armed with proper training?
83.3% Yes (Up from 75%)
0% No
16.6% Not Sure (down from 25%)
*Still 10 days left to vote
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Before introducing tonight’s guest co-host, we want to talk about 4 Patriots. Whether you are looking for a 72 hour food kit (or enough food to last you a year), water filtration, or solar generators, they’ve got you covered. 4 patriots will put your family in the best position possible when the worst scenario strikes. They have offered our listeners 10% off with the discount code Gunexperiment10, so go check them out at 4patriots.com.
Tonight’s guest co-hosts came on the show a few months back and we had a great conversation. He’s back with us to Chop it up, please welcome back The Tactical Cowboy, Devin Soto.
Tonight’s Topics of Discussion
I. Intro:
- Catch up with Devin (Tactical CowboyTraining Solutions)
- Performance and Recovery Group
II. Woman Sneaks Gun into Baseball Game
III. Update: 10 Year Old Arrested for Public Urination
IV. New Mexico Governor Suspends CCW and Open Carry
Ad Read: Before moving on, let’s talk about Onsight Firearms training. They have an extensive course offering and teach classes throughout the country. The crew is outstanding and genuinely cares about helping their students become better shooters. Whether it’s pistol, shotgun or even tactical lever action, you’re guaranteed to find a course to meet your needs, so check them out at oftllc.us
V. Nissan, Kia Collecting Data on Drivers Sex Lives
VI. Lithium Deposits Found in US
VII. Liberty Safe Debacle
VIII. Man Arrested for Pointing a Gun at Driver
VIIII. Outro
I think that’ll do it for this episode. I want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in and a very special thanks to Devin for hanging out with us and choppin’ it up; be sure to head over to Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions to check out all the kick ass stuff he is working on. If anyone out there has any opinions or thoughts on tonight’s conversation, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Twitter, Discord or Spotify and let your voice be heard.
We may earn a small portion of the sale from some of the product/service links discussed in our show and provided in these notes. It doesn’t come at a cost to you, but helps us to grow the show, buy gear to review and continue to create great content. We will never affiliate ourselves with companies or products that we do not personally stand behind. Thank you for your support.