71: Close Contact Gunfighting with Raul Martinez from Rogue Methods

How’s it going everybody and welcome to The Gun Experiment.  This week Keith and I talk to the founder and head instructor for Rogue Methods, discuss close contact gunfighting and how to properly prepare for physically demanding courses.

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Tonight’s interview is brought to you by Flatline Fiber Co.

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I. Interview
Today’s guest is an Army Veteran  and former Chicago Police Officer. He would eventually go on to create Rogue Methods, a training outfit that, put quite simply, helps to make law enforcement officers and civilians harder to kill; please welcome Raul Martinez to the show.

II. Run and Gun

III. Let’s Mix It Up
On this episode of Let’s Mix It Up, we discuss close contact gunfighting and preparation for physically demanding classes.

Let’s Mix It Up is brought to you by Onsight Firearms Training.

IV. Outro
I want to thank Raul for coming on the show and talking about his training methods. I not only find his concepts on close contact gunfighting interesting, but I am impressed with the amount of hard skills he is able to pack into his courses.

Rogue Methods     Instagram        Youtube

To everyone listening we want to thank you again for taking time out of your day to tune into our show; You can find links in the show notes to all of our social media, so be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Discord so we can keep the conversation going.

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