40: Choppin’ It Up about Kentucky Gun Store Being Sued, The Mandela Effect, Mommy and Me Pole Dancing and The Doomsday Clock with Matt Larsen.

*We will be announcing the Winner of our Primary Arms SLX 1-6 LPVO

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Today’s show is brought to you by Onsight Firearms Training. They are highly qualified instructors who are constantly improving their craft. On top of their regular teaching staff, they also host lots of other world renowned instructors from all over the country. Check them out at oftllc.us and get trained by the same outfit that trains The Gun Experiment.

Tonight’s guest co-host was on The Gun Experiment in December and is back in the studio to Chop it Up with us.  I am pleased to welcome back Matt Larsen, the Director of Combatives at the United States Military Academy.

Tonight’s Topics of Discussion

I. Intro:

  • Catch up with Matt

New Sponsor

II. It’s Time To Split the Bill Man Put’s Gender Equality to the Test

III. British Actor Calls for Tougher Knife Laws

IV. Family Sues Gun Shop Who Sold Gun Used in Bank Shooting

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V. Game: The Mandela Effect

VI. Doomsday Clock Has Been Reset

VII. Mommy and Me Pole Dancing?

VIII. Prank Gone Horribly Wrong

VIIII. Outro

I want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in and a very special thanks to Matt for hanging out with us and choppin’ it up; if you want to develop your skills as a modern warrior, be sure to check out his Combatives University program.  If anyone out there has any opinions or thoughts on tonight’s conversation, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Twitter, Discord or Spotify and let your voice be heard.

We may earn a small portion of the sale from some of the product/service links discussed in our show and provided in these notes.  It doesn’t come at a cost to you, but helps us to grow the show, buy gear to review and continue to create great content. We will never affiliate ourselves with companies or products that we do not personally stand behind. Thank you for your support.

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