38: Choppin It up About Latest Court Decisions, Budget Airline Mistakes, Recent Texas Shooting, and a Great Game of Gift or Curse with 2A Attorney Peter Tilem

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Onsight Firearms training teaches everything from beginner to advanced classes and can make you a better shooter and more capable defender with just about every firearm platform under the sun. Keith and I really like their weekly skill builder classes and have gotten so much value from them. Sign up for class today at oftllc.us

Tonight’s guest co-host has become a regular contributor on Choppin’ it up and is our go to second amendment lawyer right here in NY. I am pleased to welcome back Peter Tilem of Tilem and Associates.

Tonight’s Topics of Discussion

I. Intro:

  • Catch up with Peter
  • Update on Peter’s lawsuit

II. Supreme Court Gives Jan. 6th Rioters a Major Win

III. Federal Judge: Illinois Gun Owners Must Register Guns

IV. Delivery Driver Asks for Tip Before Giving Food

4 Patriots provides long-lasting and delicious food options that are specifically designed to provide you and your loved ones with the sustenance you need when you need it most.  Their 72 hour kit is super affordable and it’s a great way to start your long term food prep journey. The folks at 4Patriots set up a special page for you at 4Patriots.com/GUNEXPERIMENT10 so that our listeners can get weekly discounts and deals, but act quickly because the deals will change each week.

V. Game: Gift or Curse

VI. Texas Mom Shoots Teen Breaking into Her Home, Faces Eviction

VII.  Unaccompanied Six Year Old Put on Wrong Spirit Flight

VIII.  Teen Tourists Stabbed in NYC

VIIII. Outro

I think that’ll do it for this episode. I want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in and a very special thanks to Peter for hanging out with us and choppin’ it up; if you are in NY be sure to check out NY Tac Defense. If anyone out there has any opinions or thoughts on tonight’s conversation, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Twitter, Discord or Spotify and let your voice be heard.

We may earn a small portion of the sale from some of the product/service links discussed in our show and provided in these notes.  It doesn’t come at a cost to you, but helps us to grow the show, buy gear to review and continue to create great content. We will never affiliate ourselves with companies or products that we do not personally stand behind. Thank you for your support.

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