19: Choppin’ It Up with Mike and Big Keith

I just want to remind everyone that we release new content every Tuesday morning so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode. Subscribe here

I want to talk about our friends at Target Sports USA. Check out their Ammo+Membership, which gets 8% off, free shipping on ammo, order priority, and in-stock product alerts.

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Before we get going tonight, I want to talk about  Onsight Firearms Training. They bring in the best instructors from around the country. They will be bringing in Bob Keller of Gamut Resolutions May 20th & 21st for a two day Introduction to tactical carbine and pistol class. Head on over to oftllc.us to sign up for this class and many more.

No in studio guest.

Tonight’s Topics of Discussion
I. Intro:

  • Keith’s Story
  • New Whisky (Hoodlum and Millar/Shootin the sh!t podcast)

II.  News: Washington State Assault Weapons ban

III. Living in the Mall?

IV. More about guns and planes

V. Ecuador eases access to guns

Ad Read: A single self defense shooting can cost you enough in legal fees to completely upend your life and financial well being. Lucky for us our friend Peter Tilem has started NY Tac Defense, a prepaid legal program just for us NYers.  Peter has offered our listeners a special rate of $35 a month or $370 for the first year. Go to NYtacdefense.com  and use the discount code thegunexperiment.

VI. NY Ban on Sports Names and Mascots

VII. Miller High Life Trouble

VIII. Smart guns with facial recognition

VIIII. Outro

I think that’ll do it for this episode. I want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in. If anyone out there has any opinions or thoughts on tonight’s conversation, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram or Discord and let your voice be heard.

We may earn a small portion of the sale from some of the product/service links discussed in our show and provided in these notes.  It doesn’t come at a cost to you, but helps us to grow the show, buy gear to review and continue to create great content. We will never affiliate ourselves with companies or products that we do not personally stand behind. Thank you for your support.

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