15: Getting Down Like Four Flat Tires

Welcome to The Gun Experiment.  This week Keith and I speak to Kerry Davis from Dark Angel Medical, learn how to build the perfect trauma kit for every situation, and discuss brand loyalty.

I just want to remind everyone that we drop new episodes on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month so be sure to subscribe and share the show with friends at: https://wavve.link/TheGunExperiment/episodes

If you like the content we’re creating, we’d appreciate it if you’d head over to apple podcasts and leave us a 5 star review as well as a comment; we’ll read any comments you leave in future episodes.  

I. Interview (00:02:40)
Our guest tonight is the founder of a veteran owned and operated company with a passion for informing, educating and equipping everyone in all aspects of everyday trauma care.  Please welcome Kerry “Pocket Doc” Davis, from Dark Angel Medical.

II. Run and Gun (00:36:20)

III. Let’s Mix It Up (00:37:56)
How do we build effective medical kits in different sizes for different scenarios and where should we stage med kits in our daily lives?

IV. Shootin’ the Shit (00:50:14)

This week we talk about brand loyalty, why people grow attached to companies and are people loyal to a fault.

V. Outro (01:04:04)

We want to thank Kerry again for coming on the show and sharing his years of experience with us. You can find him at: 

Dark Angel Medical    Instagram   Facebook   Twitter   Youtube

Use Coupon Code “Summer20” for 20% off for a limited time.

To everyone listening we want to thank you again for taking time out of your day to listen to our show; You can find links in the show notes to all of our social media, so be sure to follow us Instagram, Facebook and Twitter so we can keep the conversation going. 

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