14 Gun Laws Anti-Gun People Hate


Which states have the strictest gun laws in America?

According to a Wisevoter pole from 2023, California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Connecticut take the cake when it comes to restrictions on guns and gun ownership.

From “assault weapons” restrictions to gun safety reform and “stronger” background checks, these eight states regulate their residents’ right to bear arms like it’s going out of style.

Then there’s Idaho.

Gun owners love Idaho gun laws.

Why wouldn’t they? A militia state through and through, Idaho lawmakers are unapologetic champions for the Second Amendment.

Their unwavering belief in maintaining a well-regulated militia to sustain the security of Idaho as a free state has kept gun-grabbers at bay throughout the state’s history. In short, that’s why the anti-gun crowd tends to despise Idaho’s pro-2A agenda.

Anti-gun people hated Idaho gun laws.

We suppose you can’t have one without the other, right?

Background Checks

Idaho doesn’t require background checks or permits for handguns at point-of-sale.

Conceal Carry Permits

Idaho gun owners don’t need a permit to conceal carry their firearms in public spaces.

Extreme Risk Law

Idaho doesn’t have one. States with Extreme Risk Laws permit law enforcement and family members (in certain situations and in certain states) to petition for the temporary right to restrict an unwell resident/family member from buying a gun in times of perceived crisis.

Safe Gun Storage Mandate

States that enforce gun storage safety require gun owners to store their handguns and rifles unloaded and locked in a child-proof case or safe. In some states, the law also requires gun owners to store firearms and ammunition in two separate containers. Idaho doesn’t require gun owners to store their firearms in locked and unloaded child-proof containers, nor does it regulate where ammunition is stored.

“Assault Rifles”

Invented by the media, the term “assault rifle” mischaracterizes and sensationalizes a broad range of firearms, including what the U.S. Army refers to as selective-fire rifles chambered for cartridges of intermediate power. Idaho permits civilians to purchase certain military-style and semi-automatic rifles.
The sale, purchase, and use of high-capacity magazines are also permitted.

Ghost Gun Regulations

Idaho doesn’t require gun owners to obtain a permit prior to the sale or purchase of firearms or firearm parts. It also doesn’t require guns or gun parts to be registered or have serial numbers.
Microstamping technology is also not required when purchasing a new handgun.
“Microstamping adds unique codes on the inside of a gun which are stamped onto the cartridge casing each time the gun is fired. When police officers respond to a shooting and recover expended casings, they can quickly link the microstamped code on the cartridge casings to the serial number of the crime gun.” –Johns Hopkins

Guns at State Capitol Building & Demonstrations

Idaho permits gun owners to open and conceal-carry their firearms on capitol grounds and during political demonstrations and protests

Guns & Bars

Idahoans are free to open and conceal-carry handguns in bars.

Gun Removal Initiatives

Not in Idaho. Idahoans are not subject to searches and seizures of illegal firearms.

Minimum Age Requirement

Unless they have written consent from their parents, Idaho residents must be at least 18 to buy a firearm. There are no waiting or cool-down periods.

Gun Laws at the Local Level

Gem State lawmakers allow Idaho towns and cities to create their own gun laws and gun safety protocols.

Denial of Gun Purchases for Public Safety

Idaho law does not allow gun dealers to withhold the sale of a firearm to a person they perceive to be a threat to themselves or others.

Gun Registry

Idaho law enforcement doesn’t have a gun registry. The purchase and sale of all firearms remain the private business of the gun owner.

Gun Training Policy

Idaho gun owners are not required to take gun training or safety courses. There is no waiting or cool-down period.

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