How’s it going everybody and welcome to The Gun Experiment.  This week Keith and I speak to a living legend in the world of firearms and discuss how to survive “the fight after the fight.”
I want to remind everyone that we release new content every T...
I just want to remind everyone that we release new content every Tuesday morning so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode. Subscribe here
I want to talk about our friends at Target Sports USA. Check out their Ammo+Membership, which ...
How’s it going everybody and welcome to The Gun Experiment.  This week Keith and I talk to a defensive tactics and executive protection instructor and discuss how to implement executive protection principles into civilian life.
I want to remind every...
I just want to remind everyone that we release new content every Tuesday morning so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode. Subscribe here
Choppin’ It Up is sponsored by Target Sports USA. Head over to
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